Adobe snr patch painter 2019

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If so, which path did y'all choose, and why?ĮDIT: Removed hyperlinks once reminded of the rule (thanks TigTex) not sure if the subject itself is verboten, though (feel free to nuke thread if so)Ĭlick to expand.I just Googled 'AMTEmu' and the first two results have a similar url one has the word 'official' first in the url, and the other has it second. Is my understanding of the situation more-or-less correct? I also assume the AMTEmu solution enables automatic updates, whereas the m0nkrus one is more monolithic (no updates). since at first glance, it would seem safer to download the main installation files straight from Adobe (and patching them w/ something like AMTEmu). I guess the choice might come down to how much one trusts m0nkrus didn't slip in anything potentially malicious that has yet to be found & exposed. AMTEmu /patches the clean/trial versions (like KMS_VL_ALL does w/ Office).monkrus /all-in-one builds (installs and works indefinitely right out of the box).When it comes to unlocking Adobe products in 2021, there appear to be 2 main avenues one can take :

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(Apologies for the n00bness, it's been many years since I've looked into Adobe stuff.)

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